Your aim is an open, sharing community with Christ at the centre.
As we obey His commands, He will build His church (Matthew 16:18).
Include children in all activities – as Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
There are many suggestions in this section – they would be overwhelming all at once. Pray that the Lord will guide you, and begin with those activities that He lays on your heart.
Adapt the ideas to your own culture.
Personal Discipleship
Your fundamental responsibility is to let Jesus shine in you and your family.
Loving and serving others as yourself is essential
Seek to win many people for Christ and introduce them to God's amazing grace
Training disciples and pastoring them to help them love and obey Christ
Meet with other Christians to build one another up and worship God together
Wider Fellowship
Fellowship with other churches and groups and be a part of the larger family of God.
Training new leaders and multiplying groups