This method systematically helps people understand and apply a passage to their lives.
1) Pray for God’s illumination (Psalm 119:105).
2) Review
Ask, “What has each of us done as a result of our last Bible study”?
3) Observe
Read the passage carefully. Ask, “What is the passage about?”, “What stands out for you in this passage?”, “What did you like about the passage?” (Supplementary questions: “Who was involved?”, “What happened?”, “What ideas are expressed?”, “What are the results?”, “What is the purpose?”, “Where did this take place?”, “When did it take place?”, “How does it take place?”, “Why did it happen?”)
4) Understand the message
“What was the message of the passage for the original hearers or readers?” “What is the message for us today in the light of the New Testament (Covenant) of Jesus Christ?”
5) Apply
“What situations in your own life are related to the message of this passage?”, “Can you illustrate this truth from an example in your life?”, “What should you do (or be, or think or say) as a result of looking at this passage?”
6) Discuss (in a group Bible Study)
To be answered by each person present so that they become used to expressing their beliefs to others. Ask, “What will you remember about the passage?”, Emphasise our obedience to God and our accountability to each other to teach others what we have learned and to apply what we have learned (2 Timothy 2:2).